The Effectiveness of TWI Job Instruction for Better Performance

The goal TWI Job Instruction (TWI JI) is to use better on-the-job training to accelerate the on boarding of new employees and improve the performance of experienced employees. TWI JI ensures that the trainees quickly remember exactly how to do their jobs efficiently, safely, conscientiously, and above all to do it correctly every time.

TWI Job Instruction is essential foundational skill supervisors require for on-the-job training, to stabilize processes, and to implement and sustain standardized work.

Through the standardized TWI Job Instruction training program, supervisors learn how to deliver effectively on-the-job training that ensures people reliably perform every task exactly the way it should be done to get consistently good results. TWI Job Instruction is a highly effective foundation skill to support standardization efforts. By applying TWI Job Instruction consistently, organizations achieve stable, reliable process performance.

The four-step method of TWI Job Instruction

Participants of TWI Job Instruction training learn how to prepare Job Instruction Breakdowns that capture the know-how of the best workers. Writing good TWI Job Instruction breakdowns requires plenty of practice and coaching. Once a JI breakdown has been written and tested, the supervisor uses the 4-Step TWI JI Method to deliver highly effective and efficient job-skills training. Like all Training within Industry methods, TWI JI has four steps.

Prepare the learner
The trainer states the job and finds out how much-related knowledge and skill the person has. The trainer then motivates the trainee to learn the job and places the trainee in a position where s/he can see and hear the instruction clearly.

Present the operation
The trainer presents the job step by step, following a carefully prepared breakdown detailing the performance-critical aspects of the job, as well as knacks and tricks shared by the most experienced workers. Each of the instructed key points is reinforced with a clear explanation of why it is vital for the success of the job in terms of quality, safety, or efficiency.

Try out performance
In Step 3 of TWI Job Instruction, the trainee does the job repeatedly under the supervision of the trainer, who carefully spots & corrects any mistakes immediately.

Follow up
The trainer follows up with the trainee to see how s/he is doing, confirm that both the method and the outcome meet expectations, and answer questions. Finally, the TWI JI trainer formalizes the employee’s certification to do the job independently and closes the period of follow-up and coaching.

TWI Job Relations (TWI-JR) plays a vital role to develop the abilities of your supervisors to build strong relationships, engagement, and teamwork. It makes the organization to be capable of operating process changes, Lean service initiatives, and Lean manufacturing. Thus, the TWI JR helps to improve the quickness of process enhancement besides building a competitive environment. Further, it helps to increase the workforce.

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