Effective approach towards work culture and employee relations

If employees are happy and satisfied then, they can work more effectively and give maximum output and able to achieve key goals. So, if everyone is achieving their own goals that means company is also growing and achieving goals and fulfilling all the requirements. So, TWI job relations will help you and guide supervisors and managers that, how they can balance relations between front line workers, store keepers and team leaders etc. and ensure that all processes are going smoothly and giving maximum output with cost reduction.

How to handle a people problem?

1- Get the facts
2- Weigh and decide
3- Take action &
4- Check results

How to maintain good relations? You should take care about some points as mentioned below-

1- Let each worker must know that how he is working- figure out what you expect from him/her and highlight how he/she can improve their working style.
2- Give credit when needed- look for extra work done and performance then tell them and appreciate.
3- Tell employees about changes in advance that will affect them- Also tell them about why changes made if possible and get them to accept changes.
4- Make best use of each person’s ability- look for ability if they can improve in any ways.

TWI program benefits:

• Better relationships with their employees.
• Easier and more basic approach towards diagnosing employee problems.
• Reduced employee problems.
• Improved job performance by individual in terms of quality, productivity, cost and delivery.
• Problems solved on time instead of having them for longer time and turning in big issues.
• Improved culture of their workforce such as- team work, motivation and attitude.
• Improved capability in handling problems and in heading off future problems.

There are basically 4 steps about TWI job instruction including- prepare the worker, present the operation; try out the performance and follow up.

This is designed for tech leaders those wanted to learn more about TWI and seeking for practical recommendations that how to help employees and organizations connecting their work with continuous improvement of process and production and problem solving.

TWI Job Instruction uses on the job training, to control working processes and improve efficiency and to support standardization of work.

TWI Job Instruction holders what they can do?

• Try to figure out that how the best employees can get consistently better results.
• Create new standard of work using the job instruction breakdown technique.
• Test & validate new standard.
• Identify & anticipate all training needs.
• Train new workers& experienced workers using the TWI job instruction program.


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