Training within Industry – Importance of Job Methods

Training within Industry is the essential foundation for frontline workers and workplace improvement. Job Methods (JM) is the TWI program that emphasis on improving work processes and procedures. The aim of this program is to produce high quantities of quality products in very less time by using best resources in the form of people, machines, and materials. Similarly like the Job Instruction (JI) and Job Relations (JR) programs, JM uses an easy way to follow 4-step method to facilitate these positive changes.

TWI Job Methods spotlight on improving the workplace. Usually, the method is basic four-step process concentrate on optimizing mechanical work. This approach often help in improving the work pressure of the supervisor. 

These days many of the business owners belied that the workers should be improved bit earlier than taking decision of what to improve. In the management field TWI people often experience problem in implementing sound basic method. 

Management often seek ways to improve training within industry through Job Methods. Actually Job Methods is a practical plan to help you produce greater quantities of quality products in less time by making the best use of the manpower machines and material available at the present time. The managers should follow the following steps:

Break Down the Job 

- First of all list out the details of the job exactly as done in the Current Method. 

- Make sure that the details include everything:

Material Handling 

Machine Work 

Hand Work 

Question Every Detail by drafting questions like:

- Why it is necessary? 

- What is its purpose? 

- Where should it be done?

- When should it be done?

- Who is best qualified to do it? 

At the same time question should also be asked based on materials, machines, equipment, tools, products design, workplace layout, movement, safety, housekeeping and more. 

Develop the New Method 

On developing new method, you should follow the following steps:

- Eliminate unnecessary details

- Join details when needed

- Rearrange details for better sequence

- Simplify all necessary details

Also to make managers jobs easier and safer to do, one must include materials, tools and equipment into the best position and within convenient reach for the operator. You can also make use of both hands. The best thing that you can do is to work out on certain ideas with others or can write up the proposed new method. 

The fourth step included in the Job Method is the Application of the New Method

- Talk about your proposal to the boss

- Talk the new method to the operators

- Ensure to get final approval of all concerned on safety, quality, quantity, cost, etc. 

- Put the new method to work and ensure to use it till a better way is developed. 

So, always ensure to utilize not merely supervisors but also regular employees. Job Method is a more effective way to utilize manpower, machines and materials and at the same time helpful in creating more streamlines and efficient jobs.


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